Transition to Transformation
Christian. Classical. Conservative.
At Covenant, we cultivate the hearts and minds of every student, from Early Education through High School. We do this by partnering with like-minded families to impart knowledge, develop wisdom, and foster virtues that lead to lasting joy for our students.
Through timeless classical curriculum and intentional comprehensive programs, Covenant’s students are poised for success not only at school, but in their homes, their communities, nation, and world.
“We aim to cultivate the heart and mind of every student by teaching from a biblical worldview perspective, and by preparing them to make good choices, view the world independently and sustain our culture.”
Founded in 2009, Covenant has been a catalyst in the growth and development of students in every regard – body, mind, and spirit. The first ten years, Covenant operated in downtown, Jacksonville. In 2018, Covenant expanded its reach to include high school students. In September 2019, we announced plans for relocation as the downtown campus was at capacity, with no room to build athletic facilities – which remain a vital part of our comprehensive program.
We also began researching the most excellent classical Christian education available. While literally watching our country’s history - which includes being founded by Christian leaders - be reinvented for today’s culture trends, we partnered with Hillsdale College to become Florida’s first private school to be a licensed user of its K-12 curriculum.
We knew it was the right time to relocate and expand our school and in just 20 months, Covenant acquired more than thirty acres of property on Bartram Road! This beautiful new campus provided incredible growth opportunities in multiple areas, including enhanced educational spaces with room for athletic facilities and fine arts programs. It also allows us to welcome more families who will benefit from Covenant’s classical Christian education.
By August 2020, Covenant welcomed all upper school students to the new campus, while construction continued for the upcoming arrival of Early Education and Lower School students. Currently, Covenant is home to hundreds of students from various counties throughout Northeast Florida.

“Our beautiful new campus provides incredible growth opportunities for enhanced educational spaces with room to expand fine arts and athletic programs.”
Our “Transition to Transformation” capital campaign allows us to replenish operational and emergency funds, complete the purchase of our campus, and continue expanding for future generations of Covenant students.
We invite our families, foundations, community leaders and the friends of The Covenant School of Jacksonville to take part in building for our future.
The estimated project cost to relocate our school and expand the campus is $10 million. With that in mind, Covenant’s leadership launched a five-year Capital Campaign. The campaign was divided into three phases:
Phase I began with the immediate relocation of all Upper School students, which resulted in the lease of 20 acres of property and renovation of 3 buildings to accommodate 10 classrooms, administrative offices, and a gymnasium. Phase I totaled $3 million, which was accomplished through depleting operational and emergency funds and obtaining a loan to close the gap.
As we worked to relocate our Early Education and Lower School students to our new campus, the opportunity to purchase an additional 10 acres became available, including five more buildings. This opportunity gave the school 11 additional classrooms, a chapel/assembly room, and a baseball field. Phase II totaled $5 million which was accomplished through charitable contributions of $2 million, which allowed us to repay the first loan and obtain another loan to purchase the entire 30-acre property.
To continue to grow, Covenant’s immediate needs include the renovation of additional buildings for educational and fine arts spaces. This represents Phase III of the campaign, and is estimated at $2 million.
Join us in this exciting time at
The Covenant School of Jacksonville!
Early supporters not only believe in our purpose; they desire to be catalysts of it. To fully complete our transformation, Covenant is seeking additional community partners who have a passion for purposeful education that prepares its students with knowledge, wisdom, virtue, and joy to be responsible, independent leaders in their homes, churches, communities, and our world.

Covenant has raised over $2 million towards our Campaign!
We have 100% participation from our Board of Directors and are working towards 100% participation from our families. We provide over 40% of students with Tuition Assistance. Please consider supporting The Covenant School of Jacksonville as we fully equip generations to be rooted in Truth, respect themselves and others, and preserve the traditional core values on which our country was founded. Through the intentional teaching of a rigorous, liberal arts education, Covenant’s graduates will have a deep love and respect for their Creator, a clear understanding of their world and their purpose in it, and the inherent worth of every individual.
Our recent transitional success could not have happened without the outstanding generosity of many friends.
As we launch this new initiative, we look to our supporters and our northeast Florida community to rally to Covenant’s cause.

One-Time Gift, Recurring Gifts and 3 to 5 year Pledges: Gifts may be paid by cash, check, or credit card. Covenant accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.
Matching Gifts: You may be able to double the size of your donation if your company will match your gift. Please inquire with your human resource department.
Gifts of Stock or Mutual Funds: Gifts of appreciated securities or mutual fund shares may provide tax benefits and allow you to avoid capital gains. Please consult with your financial planner and notify our development team prior to initiating the transfer.
Commemorative Naming Opportunities are available to recognize facility gifts. Contact our development team for a list of opportunities.
For more information about our school or campaign, or to set up a multi-year pledge,
contact our Head of School, Susan Johnson, at (904) 265-7474.
The Covenant School of Jacksonville is a 501c3 nonprofit organization which makes all donations tax deductible.